
Jenna Hollenstein is the bestselling author of Eat to Love and Intuitive Eating for Life. She writes, speaks and teaches busy people how to incorporate mindfulness into nutrition and life. Invite Jenna to your next event.

Jenna Hollenstein is a dietitian, dietician headshot.
  • About Jenna

    Before Jenna Hollenstein was a best-selling author, she was a nervous wreck, using drinking and dieting to keep anxiety at bay. How did she get from there to here? By treating mindfulness and intuitive eating as forms of self-care – like going to a spa in your mind. 20 years later, Jenna – now an eating disorder specialist and meditation teacher – wants to bring her message of hope and healing to your group.

    In her signature session Eat to Love/Love to Eat, Jenna brings mindfulness and meditation from abstract concepts into daily routines, sharing strategies and examples that everyone can learn. Down to earth and inspiring at the same time, Jenna paints the big picture and doesn’t forget to share the details. Jenna explains mindfulness and intuitive eating in ways that seem both familiar and new. In this keynote, Jenna transforms the mundane act of nourishment into a meditation and brings these concepts from idea into practice. Appropriate for all audiences, including recovery groups.

    In her newest presentation, Befriending Your Body: Aging with Grit and Gratitude, Jenna teaches us to love ourselves even when we don’t like what we see. Now booking for fall-winter ’24 and winter-spring ’25, contact Jenna to check dates and cook up a fabulous, thought-provoking program for your next big event. Jenna teaches us to love ourselves even when we don’t like our reflection. She acknowledges the challenges of aging in a youth-obsessed society, telling the deeper truths that aging reveals, while keeping it relatable and upbeat. Befriending Your Body is essential for women’s groups as well as professionals working with an aging population.

Two Speaker Topics

Eat to Love/Love to Eat

Befriending Your Body: Aging with Grit and Gratitude

6 Speaker Topics

  • Jenna explains mindfulness and intuitive eating in ways that seem both familiar and new. In this keynote, Jenna transforms the mundane act of nourishment into a meditation and brings these concepts from idea into practice. Appropriate for all audiences, including recovery groups.

  • Jenna teaches us to love ourselves even when we don’t like our reflection. She acknowledges the challenges of aging in a youth-obsessed society, telling the deeper truths that aging reveals, while keeping it relatable and upbeat. Befriending Your Body is essential for women’s groups as well as professionals working with an aging population.

  • Polyvagal theory has emerged as an important framework for how the nervous system is always trying to protect us. Based on the work of Dr. Stephen Porges and Deb Dana, Jenna has applied the concepts and practices of polyvagal theory to the nutrition field – both for the clinicians themselves and the people they support. In this workshop – that can be either a 1-hour talk or a 3-hour pre-conference workshop – attendees are introduced to the three basic elements of PVT: hierarchy, neuroception, and co-regulation. Dietitians will learn to identify the various nervous system states of regulation and dysregulation, notice the triggers that put them into dysregulation, and develop a catalog of resources to bring them back into regulation. Participants leave with an expanded sense of self-awareness and practical tools to use in day-to-day dietetics practice and life.

  • None of us likes to have difficult conversations but realistically we must be able to engage in all different types of communications, including those that make us want to run away. In this talk, Jenna weaves together the approaches of mindful non-violent communication, somatic experiencing, polyvagal theory, and radically compassionate presence. Participants will learn how to stay simultaneously calm and authentic, honest and compassionate, intentional and empathetic. They will gain skills and practices to stay regulated and present in their bodies as well as phrases to use to support compassionate communication and, when necessary, regroup and come back at a later point. You might never enjoy difficult conversations, but after this workshop you will feel capable and confident having them.

  • Meditation has risen in mainstream culture over the past several decades as a form of self-help but given the tumultuous landscape of life in the 21st century, it might better be considered an essential survival skill. Much of what we have learned about meditation is misleading or oversimplified. Meditation is not just about being calm and happy; it’s also essential to helping us navigate difficult emotions and times in our lives. In this talk, Jenna provides the necessary background on meditation to understand its basic philosophy and view as well as its practical applications. Participants will learn and practice a specific meditation technique and gain the necessary skills to bring that practice into their everyday lives for the long term.

  • Emotional eating is a complex, multifaceted, and misunderstood issue. Few aspects of our relationship with food are as maligned as emotional eating, and our specific story about it contains hidden information essential to truly understanding our needs and ourselves. In this talk – which can be a 1-hour event or a 3-hour interactive pre-conference workshop – Jenna offers you a deeper understanding of the many contributors to emotional eating including cultural, biological, and emotional factors. Participants will learn how to decode emotional eating; understand what is happening in their bodies, hearts, and minds in real time; and create a personalized menu of options to meet their needs with mindfulness, precision, and compassion. Ultimately they will view emotional eating as an important form of communication from their “inner teacher.”

Featured Speaker at:

  • Kripalu logo
  • Today's Dietitian Logo
  • EDRDPRO Logo
  • NYC Nutrition Education Network
  • The Center for Mindful Eating Logo
  • Kind Logo
  • Athleta Logo
  • University of Vermont Logo
  • girls inc.
  • Pace University

Rave Reviews

  • What doesn’t this apply to? I’m bringing what I learned here into everything I do.

  • Super grateful for this talk! It changed my entire perspective.

  • One of the best trainings I’ve attended.

Jenna Hollenstein, MS, RDN, is a nutrition therapist/dietitian (dietician? :), speaker, and best-selling author of Eat to Love, Intuitive Eating for Life, and Mommysattva. She is passionate about helping busy people incorporate mindfulness into nutrition and life.

Video Interviews

Podcast Interviews


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Book Jenna Hollenstein as a speaker for your next virtual & in person event