How Intuitive Eating Heals

Believe in yourself written on a yellow wall.

First, a shout out to a fabulous person: Kimberly Campbell of FitGurl Studio.

Kimberly and I did a "healed healer" session and she helped me get clarity about an upcoming project. It is something I'm hoping will be big...HUGE. I will share more about it as it materializes but in the meantime, I wanted to share something that came out of my valuable session with Kimberly (or more accurately came through Kimberly).

It is this:
When you trust your intuition, you nourish yourself. When you nourish yourself - whether that be with food, community, emotional support, touch, or whatever -  you experience pleasure (and satisfaction) that unleashes your POWER. That power heals. And when you feel healed you deepen trust in your intuition. Trusting your body and your heart-mind matters when it comes to food. It is a doorway to trusting yourself in life.


My Body Is Causing Me Pain – anti-diet approaches


However you are feeling, add the words "I feel" and "right now"