How to assert yourself at a doctor's appointment

Doctor sitting behind a desk.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: patient-centered healthcare is a human right!! You are entitled to assert your needs at the doctor's office...without apology. And here are some sample phrases to help you do that: "It's important that you understand I am in recovery from an eating disorder and focusing on weight is harmful."

"I understand why you are suggesting weight loss but I have tried to lose weight many times in the past and it has not been sustainable. I understand that this is the case for 95% of people."

"I would prefer to not be weighed unless it is absolutely medically necessary."

"Please help me understand why it is necessary for you to weigh me so that I can provide consent and we can find a way to do this that doesn't harm me."

"I would like to discuss behaviors that I can focus on since weight loss is not a behavior."

"If you see this same condition in people with smaller bodies, please offer me the same options you would offer them."

"It's so important to me that you are hearing what I'm saying and taking my lived experience into account. Can you do that for me?"

See how you feel just reading those statements and imagine saying relevant ones (or your own) at your next doctor's visit. Now decide how you would like to practice asserting your needs and your agency so that it won't feel quite so unfamiliar when you are in a healthcare setting. 

This is all about practice, mindfulness, self-compassion, and reframing your expectations. I won't tell you that it will always work out and you will always be heard. But I can assure you that asserting your needs will help put you on a path to reclaiming your healthcare. 

And if you would like to hone the mindful portion of your asserting your needs, join me at the next FREE Wednesday Meditation for Intuitive Eaters gathering


Caring for yourself when a doctor's appointment is triggering


Preparing physically and emotionally to see the doctor