Bucking the system to bring more pleasure and spirituality into your life
This is how it is right now
In this week's video I share a bit about what's going on in my own life and how that's helped me recognize the importance of the words "this is how it is right now." I hope you enjoy and please let me know your thoughts!
Having "enough" can change everything
This week I'm building on our last discussion about gratitude by exploring the idea of "enough." Being enough, having enough, etc. Please enjoy and I'd love to hear your thoughts about it.
Why I'm all in on a gratitude practice this year
I'm just getting over two weeks of the flu and the biggest theme that I think came about as a result of this experience is the importance of gratitude.
How Is Your Relationship with Alcohol? Ft. Jenna Hollenstein
Christy Harrison: So we have been in touch for years at this point. We talked many years ago for my first podcast, Food Psych, and that was way back in 2017.
There is often the desire to start fresh on January 1st
There is often the desire to start fresh on January 1st. To change something, to improve something, to really start to move closer to our goals.
I Don't Wanna
Roughly 50% of the time, when the "I don’t wanna" voice comes up about something, I give myself a pass.
There's No Right or Wrong, There's Only Right Now
This phrase: There's no right or wrong, there's only right now. This can be especially helpful for those of us…
Are you eating enough?
For this day before Thanksgiving, I'm sharing the number one question I ask my clients.
What is Intuitive Eating Really?
This is a year of trying new things for me so in that spirit, please enjoy this first YouTube video of what I hope will be a rich and growing collection. Your requests are welcome for future topics! And if you like what you see...you know what they say: like, subscribe, and share!
Need a speaker for your event or workplace?
I have some exciting news I’d like to share with you. I’m shifting my business to do more writing and speaking in order to reach more people with the messages of meditation, recovery from disordered eating, and imbuing your life with gentleness, compassion, and love.
Asking for help to learn more self-regulation skills
Asking for help may look different at different times. Who and how you ask for help has everything to do with your specific needs at the time. Consider the list below as a starting point because going into adequate detail is beyond the scope of this book. Contemplate your needs or discuss them with someone you trust to determine what steps you can take to care for your tender heart.
How to approach personal exploration as a self-regulation technique
Noticeably different from distracting and soothing, personal exploration involves moving toward your discomfort in accessible ways. You might choose behaviors from this list when you feel safe and stable enough to directly engage with what is happening in your life but perhaps not yet ready to ask for help. Many of the options normalize what you are experiencing, which may allow shame to dissipate so that you can reach out to others for support.
How to sooth yourself mindfully
As you learned, your nervous system is constantly seeking safety. When in a dysregulated state of sympathetic or dorsal activation, certain practices can bring you back up to the regulated ventral state. Mindful soothing includes food. There will be times when using food to soothe is the right choice at the right moment. What is different about this approach from emotional overeating is the conscious choice to eat, the mindful attention paid while eating, and the freedom from guilt or shame.
Using nondestructive distractions skillfully
Nondestructive distraction is just what you might imagine: temporarily removing yourself from what you experience as painful without increasing your suffering. It can be absorbing, entertaining, or just different from what you don’t want to focus on.
Caring for yourself…mindfully, compassionately, directly
The name of the game is self-care. True self-care. Not the kind you can buy in a bottle or at a store. Not the kind that requires self-improvement. True self-care is subtler and woven into how you live your life day to day rather than something that happens in broad strokes occasionally.