Preparing physically and emotionally to see the doctor

Doctor in white coat with stethoscope

Going to the doctor can be hard. Preparing yourself physically and emotionally will help you navigate these interactions with presence, compassion, and assertiveness. The next time you are preparing to meet with a healthcare clinician, consider the following behaviors to support yourself:

- Get a good night's sleep

- Eat breakfast with protein if you don't have to fast - or bring a snack to have immediately after your blood draw

- Wear comfortable clothes

- Get there a few minutes early

- Place your hand on your heart and practice mindful breathing 

- Remind yourself that patient-centered healthcare is a human right, your right

- Remember that you can assert your needs with your healthcare provider, no matter if they have greater medical knowledge than you - your lived experience matters

- Try to look at going to healthcare appointments as a practice - one that will not be perfect but that will always provide information to learn from

- Practice self-compassion by (1) stating how you feel plainly - "I'm nervous about going to this appointment because at past appointments I have felt shamed for my weight," (2) normalizing your experience - "I am not alone, lots of people have felt this way and are trying to take back control of their healthcare, and (3) offering yourself kindness - "I'm learning how to advocate for myself and to understand and assert my needs in healthcare settings. This is hard and I'm doing the work."


How to assert yourself at a doctor's appointment


Navigating doctor's appointments