NEW WORKSHOP: Meditation and Mindfulness for Intuitive Eaters


It is clear to me – both based on reading the scientific research and my own personal experience – that Intuitive Eating is the only way forward. It has been and continues to be thoroughly studied. It is evolving and becomes more compassionate and skillful with each edition. And it is truly made for everyone, because it is driven by each individual’s somatic awareness and innate wisdom.

Yet, so many people struggle to stay with Intuitive Eating. They love the concept, feel relieved by its tenets, and start out strong. But when obstacles inevitably arise, that old diet mentality voice kicks in saying “See? This isn’t for you. You’re too broken, too different, too far from where you should be.” 

This is the exact voice that followed me for much of my life, both in regards to food and body and to just finding my place in the world. I kept asking myself HOW? How do I learn to be ok with myself as I am? How do I learn to stay with my experience as I move closer to whatever the truth is for me at this stage of my life? The answer finally started to emerge after I started a meditation practice. For the first time in my life, I was learning what it meant to be human, to open my heart, to recognize what was happening in my body in real time, and to feel the full spectrum of my emotions. 

This has led me to believe that meditation and mindfulness are the HOW for Intuitive Eating. And a lot more. That is why I’m offering a new workshop called Meditation 101 on Wednesday November 29th from 6pm to 7:30pm eastern time. 

This is the first time I am teaching this workshop. We'll discuss:

  • Important definitions of meditation, mindfulness, and meditative activities

  • What meditation is and isn’t – the truth might surprise you!

  • A simple breath awareness technique you can do anywhere at any time

  • The similarities between meditation and Intuitive Eating

  • How the meditation technique possesses keys to recovery from disordered eating

  • The components of a sustainable meditation practice

  • Success stories from other Intuitive Eaters

You'll walk away with:

· A clear understanding of what meditation is and how to become a real meditator

· A portable nervous system regulator that is always available

· The tools to create an at-home meditation practice

· The ability to troubleshoot the most common posture issues

· An understanding of what supports and strengthens your meditation practice

· A framework for working with challenging aspects of your Intuitive Eating practice

· A practical analogy for working with disordered thoughts and behaviors

· A strategy for staying connected with your meditation practice when it feels hard

· An opportunity to stay connected with a community of folks just like you!

Whether or not you can attend live, we'll send you a link to the recording and the free PDF.

Click here to find out what time the workshop will be taught live where you live. You can choose New York for the city in the first column.


Common misconceptions about meditation – the truth might surprise you!


Meditation is the HOW of Intuitive Eating + join the meditation challenge