Bucking the system to bring more pleasure and spirituality into your life
Musings from my sick bed
No video this week, unfortunately. I'm fighting off a cold or flu or false-negative COVID, but wanted to be in touch nevertheless to share some thoughts.
One of my favorite teachings in Buddhist philosophy is that all experiences can be approached as opportunities to wake up to the nature of reality. Or, alternatively, they can be a route to go further to sleep. I try to remember this teaching whenever I deal with difficulty, big or small.
The Emerging Aspects of Mindfulness in Intuitive Eating
I’m so excited to invite you to join me for this conversation with Intuitive Eating co-creators and co-authors Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole. We discussed the emerging aspects of mindfulness over the course of more than 25 years and four editions!
Let's talk about movement!
This week we start talking about the topic of movement. It's a big topic and not unlike fullness, fraught for many. Please send me any thoughts, questions, and challenges you're facing with movement so I can weave them into upcoming videos. And thank you, as always, for being part of this community!
My new book has arrived!
My new book Intuitive Eating for Life: How Mindfulness Can Deepen and Sustain Your Intuitive Eating Practice is officially here!
I'm not a fan of self promotion but I take some solace in the fact that promoting this book - and anything that is anti-diet - helps us all. I so hope that this book is a positive force in your life and that you will stay connected so that we can find more and more community together. More goodness coming in 2023!
How we fight with reality...and what to do about it
This week we're talking about working with things as they are. Sounds easy, right? WRONG!!!! It may be a simple concept but there are so many reasons we fight with reality. I hope you'll take a deep breath, rouse self-compassion, and consider some of these words as we head into the holiday weekend.
Working with strong feelings around fullness
This week we're talking more about the feelings/emotions that arise with fullness. I also share this image, which is how I'm currently thinking about the overall Intuitive Eating process (thanks Lisa for making this!) and might be helpful in supporting yourself to work with fullness.
Also, check out my Insta this week for some thoughts on how to respond to diet talk at Thanksgiving (or whenever)!
More fullness & satisfaction and a silly offer for Turkey Day
This week we're talking more about fullness and satisfaction as we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday, specifically how can we support ourselves to feel both comfortably full and satisfied on this once-a-year holiday.
I also introduce a silly idea I got from working with clients that might just complete your Thanksgiving table (or decorate your kitchen table, stuff your Christmas stockings, etc.). Get your 3-pack of table tents here :)
Would you like my new book Intuitive Eating for Life before anyone else?
I’ve spent the last couple of years writing a new book called Intuitive Eating for Life: How Mindfulness Can Deepen and Sustain Your Meditation Practice. It's a more secular offering than Eat to Love and draws on more of the science of Intuitive Eating, Polyvagal theory, and trauma-sensitive mindfulness. It is filled with practical mindfulness exercises, vignettes from my work with clients, and new ways of looking at your relationship with food and body that might help move the needle in your own life. And it comes out on December 1, 2022!
A fullness mindfulness exercise to start trying today!
This week I share a mindfulness exercise you can start doing today that will help you find and stop at comfortable fullness more consistently. Let me know what you think!
I really hope you'll join me in our fullness group that's starting in just two weeks! Full details below. This deep dive in community is the way to feel more comfortable stopping eating before you feel distressed or even sick, while still enjoying eating!
Connecting the dots between hunger and fullness
This week we're talking about the relationship between hunger and fullness, for example, what does starting to eat at your "sweet spot" of hunger have to do with being able to recognize and stop at comfortable fullness? A lot, as it turns out. I also introduce an upcoming group you might be interested in!
Trouble connecting with hunger? Try structured eating.
Building on our discussion of finding your sweet spot of hunger, this week we talk about when connecting with hunger just isn't working. Structured eating is an intuitive eating tool to always have in your back pocket for any time you need a little extra support.
So many reasons to find your "sweet spot" of hunger
This week I'm talking about the many reasons to prioritize starting eating at your "sweet spot" of hunger. That level of hunger when you're hungry enough that food tastes good but not so hungry that eating feels chaotic. The more consistently you eat at your sweet spot of hunger, the more information your body communicates about the eating experience and the more natural this habit becomes.
How to approach doctor's appointments without fear and anxiety
This week we're talking about going to the doctor on your own terms. You can grab a copy of the pdf I discuss here. As always, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts about this.
3-part process of working with boundaries (you can do it!)
Here's a 3-step process for setting and defending boundaries on your Intuitive Eating path. If you are open to sharing, I'd love to hear about your experience with setting and defending boundaries (even if it's only what you fantasize about saying to others!).
Notice the gap between expectations and reality
Have you ever been really (like REALLY) looking forward to eating something but when you bite into it, you're like "meh!" I mean, you've been looking forward to this food all day. How dare it not meet your expectations?!!
That is the topic of this week's video: notice the gap between expectation and reality. It happens to all of us. Here's what to do about it.